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October 10th Seminar
Thursday, October 10, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM CST
Category: Events


Optimize Your Building’s Heating System

With the world pushing to reduce global greenhouse gases, join Greater Saint Paul BOMA to explore the latest systems helping to electrify the future of heating. You’ll learn about new systems and their ability to capture and reuse waste heat, how to optimize heating with Air Source Heat Pumps in a -20 F design climate and the benefits of incorporating thermal storage to your building.

Our guest speaker is Matt Spresser with Trane.

DATE:  Thursday, October 10th
TIME:   8:00 - 8:30am - Breakfast & Registration
             8:30 - 9:30am - Presentation
LOCATION:  Osborn370 Building, 370 Wabasha Street North, 4th Floor, Lake Superior Room, St. Paul
COST: $70.00 members / $90.00 non-members